Tim's research project in South America:

Smithsonian Institute Biodiversity Assessment

deep within the interior Amazonian rainforest, Manu, Peru

Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity (MAB) Program (click here)

"To assess the possible impacts of the Camisea project on the biodiversity of the region, MAB collaborated with more than 100 local guides, scientists and researchers from several international organizations and Peruvian educational institutions. The groups worked together to gather baseline information on the distribution and abundance of local vegetation, aquatic systems, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals at four well sites and selected spots along the Camisea and Urubamba rivers ...."

Tim (the gringo), center with green cap, with a four inch longhorn beetle in my hand.

This building would eventually become a excellent working laboratory.


Gorky, Tim and Alonso clowning around while sorting ants!


Tim, second from right, next to Dr. Thomas Fritts 

  The seven foot long poisonous Bushmaster that almost ended it for Tim!
I came within 3 feet of stepping on this guy as he was sleeping! Since all transportation in the region is via helicopter, I would have probably not lived long enough for medical assistance to arrive and fly me out to Lima! 

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Page by TimD (updated 4/21/02)